Up To This Point

Up to this point in my photographic career my work has been primarily done between odd jobs and studying both finance and law in college. While studying at the campus library, if I saw a desirable golden hour on one of my many glances (trances) beyond the window I wouldn’t hesitate to log out of Westlaw and pickup my camera to go find the most interesting contrasts and colors that the evening had to offer. That was the “college experience.” A choice between packs. A six-pack of Fat Tire and a movie, or a five-pack of Portra 400 and my Canon AE-1. Found a passion in college. Check.

When the era of post-undergrad came along, which I didn’t expect to be referred to as “the pandemic”, I started applying for and accepting jobs in my field of study. The first being the “skyscraper job.” This tends to be the right of passage for the finance major. In my case, the glamour soberly faded and the fabrication of expectation circled me back into reality. Upon returning to fry-cooking (which I found to be, maybe, my most promising art form) I returned to my daily habit of photo-walking. A habit where under the right conditions, I can be anywhere in the world and my turbulences wane and calmness encapsulates.

Next, it was the honest job. The one that seems to check all the boxes. In field of study? Yes. Everyone in my circle of influence finds the job acceptable? Yes. Pays? Yes. Oh… my own windowless office?! Yes. As you can see, the honest job. The one where patience united with guidance elevates you to your goals. A possible career. However, when what was sold to me didn’t pan out, I returned to old strengths. For me, that is teaching and coaching. Both have given me the freedom for some good hard thinking. That is, in short, the point I am up to.

In the midst of this, I have done three gallery shows and collaborated on a book - all work I am proud of. Recently, it has been getting easier to get back into that daily habit of taking pictures. People are back outside and things seem to be finally moving again. This habit is the foundation that is responsible for most of my work. Hence, the reason for building this website: to show and organize work I have done thus far, and to provide a landing pad for future work.

Organizing and showcasing work is something I will always enjoy whether it’s an art show, a book, or a website like this one. Displaying work is affirming and gives a sense of payoff. However, up to this point, what I am most thankful for in my photographic career are the people and places I otherwise would not have met and seen without this attraction to picture-making. In the end, I am glad what appeals to me has led me to a greater sense of being more grateful.


Trains and Bricks